
At UNITiD we spend quite some time improving the way we design our products. Good tools save us time. Here we share some of our software, scripts, templates and other stuff we could not find on the internet, so made ourselves. If you are an interaction or visual designer, you might like to try them. If you know more, or better tools, feel free to leave a comment!

TAP- Fireworks touch prototype tool for iPhone, iPad – UNITiD

Before you continue, please note that we stopped working on our TAP project. There will be no updates anymore. Three reasons: 1. Fireworks is dying. 2. There are now many good prototyping alternatives 3. It costs an awful lot of time to maintain a tool like TAP.  If you like to make iOS prototypes quickly, please take a look at InVision (some of our thoughts on this tool) or Flinto.

This tutorial shows you how to use our method to make your Fireworks prototype work for the Apple iPhone and iPad. We call the method TAP. It is an updated version of our earlier work, found on our website, or at the Adobe Developers Connection. We added quite a lot of features. The most important being able to use page transitions, swipes (by using the jQTouch jQuery plugin) and caching of the application.

Other very useful tutorials can be found on Smashing Magazine, part 1, 2 and 3. For transitions, check out If you need to prototype a Teleportation app, check out this manual.

It is recommended to read through this article to understand what TAP is and what it can do.

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20 March 2011 | | 194 reacties

Android Pattern Library

This page is also available in dutch

We have been working on it for a while, and it will be ‘work in progress’ for a while longer, but it does deserve a blog post by now: our Interaction Pattern Library for Android on Designers and developers have already noticed the website. We are receiving over 40,000 visitors monthly from 137 countries and that number is steadily growing. Why did we start this project? And what can the world do with it? A short history…

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19 March 2011 |

Aangeboden: Android Patterns

This page is also available in English

We zijn er al een tijdje mee bezig, en het zal voorlopig een work in progress-project blijven, maar het verdient inmiddels wel een blog post: onze Interaction Pattern Library voor Android op Designers en ontwikkelaars hebben deze site inmiddels al opgepikt. We tellen ruim 3000 bezoekers maandelijks vanuit uit 77 landen en dat aantal neemt gestaag toe. Waarom zijn we aan dit project begonnen? En wat heeft de wereld er aan? Een kleine geschiedenis…

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31 January 2011 |

Creating a Table of Contents in OmniGraffle with AppleScript

Updated 14th of July 2012!

This post is for all interaction designers out there using OmniGraffle. Most of us use OmniGraffle for making flows and documenting wireframes (documenting, not drawing, but that is another post) and our documents tend to get long, like over 50 pages. A table of contents would be nice, but this button is nonexistent in OG…. Since I started using OmniGraffle a few years ago I already was searching the web for a solution, but found nothing really useful until last week. I improved the method and now it is possible to create a ToC in a single click. Great until OmniGraffle 6 comes out (it is in there, right?).

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19 July 2010 | | 47 reacties

Fireworks template for Android

Are you starting with interaction design for Android – like we are – then there are a number of useful resources to help you out. We couldn’t yet find a Fireworks template, so we have made one ourselves and want to share it here. In this Fireworks  template the Android user interface elements have been redrawn as vector images. In the folders the elements have been mostly labeled according to the Android vocabulary.

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23 November 2009 | | 294 reacties